The More Like Him I Grow

God is my Heavenly Father;
He made me who I am.
He wants all that’s best for me;
It’s written in His plan.
His Son is like a big brother
Who guides me as I go.
The closer I walk beside Jesus,
The more like Him I grow.
Yes, the more like Him I grow.

The more I come to love Jesus,
The more I learn about me:
Who I was and who I am
And who God wants me to be.
It’s a lifelong transformation;
The changes seem so slow.
Yet the more I seek to please Jesus,
The more like Him I grow.
Yes, the more like Him I grow.

About this Song:

While I was away on a mission trip to Australia in 1995, my daughter, Kristi, made a profession of her faith in Jesus Christ at our home church; she was eight years old at the time. I wrote this song soon after my return, dedicating it “to Kristi at the beginning of her Christian growth.”

She sang it with me at our church not long after that and again at the Windsor District Baptist Church in Australia on a family trip in 1996. Never has her singing been sweeter. A home recording of her and me singing it together is here.

Not one of us is born an adult anymore than a new Believer begins her Christian walk at full maturity. Our growth into human adulthood takes years, and our growth into Christian maturity is apt to take even longer. As this song states, the growth into being who God wants us to be “is a lifelong transformation.”

Christians don’t necessarily mature equally. But those who “seek to please Jesus” will continue to grow into the kind of people God wants them to be.

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A free lead sheet is available for this song here.

Look for me again next Wednesday. Better still, subscribe to receive these weekly posts by email.

Best regards,

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About Roger E. Bruner

Seventy-seven-year-old Roger E. Bruner is the author and publisher of twenty-two Christian novels and the writer of more than two hundred Christian songs and choruses, a handful of musical dramas, and a number of shorter works. He sings, plays guitar and bass, and records many of his original songs in his home studio. He is active in his church's nursing home ministry He also plays bass guitar on the church praise team. Married for twenty years to Kathleen, he has one grown daughter. Kathleen has two. young sons. Roger enjoys reading, walking, photography and book cover design (he's done all of his own except for Rosa No-Name), playing Snood and Solitaire, and complaining about the state of the nation while continuing to pray for it.
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