(If Christ Had Not Been) Born a Baby

(You may listen to this song here.)

If Christ had not been born a baby,
Fully human and yet still fully God;
Had He not lived and died as a man,
Then how would God know what we feel?

If Christ had never been tempted,
If He had never suffered grief,
Had He never known the pain of rejection,
Then how would He know how I feel?

If Christ had never been lonely,
If He had never dreaded death,
Had He never known physical suffering,
Then how would He know how I feel?

If Christ had never been lied about,
If He have never suffered loss,
Had He never known emotional anguish,
Then how would He know how I feel?

If Christ had not been born a baby,
Fully human and yet still fully God;
Had he not lived and died as a man,
Then how would God know what we feel?

About this Song:
RogerCapped - smallerOne of people’s hardest problems about accepting Christianity is making sense of Jesus being “as fully God as if He weren’t human and as fully human as if He weren’t God.” We rational human beings can’t–pun not intended–conceive of a baby whose Father was God Himself and whose mother was teen-aged Mary–a human being. How was that, uh, humanly possible?

That’s the problem, isn’t it? We can only look at this question (and try to explain it) in human terms. And it doesn’t work.

How many times have I acknowledged that–if I could understand God–He wouldn’t be big enough or powerful enough, loving enough or merciful enough, righteous enough or enough of anything good to be worthy of my worship and adoration. And He certainly wouldn’t be someone I would want to put my life into the control of.

But that raises another question: As perfect as God is and always has been–in every way–how could He possibly understand everything about us human beings? He created us to be perfect, but sin did a dastardly number on that. How could He understand our loneliness, our dread of death, our physical suffering, and all of the other problems mankind suffers?

That very question is why I value and accept Jesus not just as my Lord and Savior, but as a model of how to live successfully in spite of every possible human hardship I could encounter–and then some. What problems will ever pop up that Jesus didn’t face and overcome (including death itself) 2,000 years ago?

I can’t explain the Trinity (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit). Honestly, that very concept is as mind-boggling as anything I’ve ever tried to understand. But what I believe–and this is extremely important to me–is Jesus as God the Son returned to His Father’s side after His resurrection and (so to speak) clued God the Father (God the Father is spirit) in on what being human really felt like. I picture Jesus telling God, “You’ve never experienced that kind of self-doubt, but I have. Believe me, that fellow needs Your help getting through it.”

Maybe that’s why Christians typically pray “In Jesus’ Name.”

Those thoughts have helped me over the years, and I hope they’ll help you, too.

What do you think? Please leave a comment.

You can find a free lead sheet for “Born a Baby” here.

Look for me again next Wednesday. Better still, subscribe to receive these weekly posts by email.

Best regards,

Eighteen Novel 4x6 Postcard

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About Roger E. Bruner

Seventy-seven-year-old Roger E. Bruner is the author and publisher of twenty-two Christian novels and the writer of more than two hundred Christian songs and choruses, a handful of musical dramas, and a number of shorter works. He sings, plays guitar and bass, and records many of his original songs in his home studio. He is active in his church's nursing home ministry He also plays bass guitar on the church praise team. Married for twenty years to Kathleen, he has one grown daughter. Kathleen has two. young sons. Roger enjoys reading, walking, photography and book cover design (he's done all of his own except for Rosa No-Name), playing Snood and Solitaire, and complaining about the state of the nation while continuing to pray for it.
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