Yes, He Does!

[You may listen to a recording of this song here.]

God wants me for his child. Yes, He does!
He loves me as His own. Yes, He does!
He wants what’s best for me. Yes, He does!
He provides all I need. Yes, He does!

God does such wondrous things. Yes, He does!
He gives me light and life. Yes, He does!
He gives me air to breathe. Yes, He does!
He gives me sleep at night. Yes, He does!

God forgives all my sins. Yes, He does!
He soothes my hurting heart. Yes, He does!
He finds me when I’m lost. Yes, He does!
He lifts me when I fall. Yes, He does!

God wants me for his child. Yes, He does!
He loves me as His own. Yes, He does!
He wants what’s best for me. Yes, He does!
He provides all I need. Yes, He does!

About This Song:

I wrote this song in 2011 for one of the children’s choirs at church. Unfortunately, it turned out to be too complicated. (It has some clapping at places that would keep the singers on their toes.) Nonetheless, it expresses things (the best I can) from a child’s point of view.

Far too often, we adults overlook the significance of being a child of God. Just as we tend to place a greater emphasis on earthly life than we do on eternal life after earthly death.

I’m adopted. The couple I consider my parents brought me home from the hospital–just as if I had been born to them. My daughter is adopted, too. Even though we didn’t get her until she was five months old, we became the only parents she knew.

I loved my parents, but they’re both dead now–and living with our Heavenly Father. How much better to focus on my sonship with God than on my sonship with them. As His adopted son, I’ve come under the watch-care of the strongest, most powerful–yet most loving–power in the universe.

He knows every detail of my life–past and present. He not only knows the hairs of my head, He knows where each one I’ve lost over the years has gone.

Like any normal human parent, God wants what’s best for me. Unlike even the best of earthly parents, He’s able to provide it.

Yet He knows better than anyone else–far better than I know–what’s good for me and what isn’t. He gives me everything I need and more, yet He never spoils me with things that would hurt me or come between Him and me.

I could go on, but you understand what I mean. The song says it all.

I write Christian novels as well as songs. The two most recent ones are shown below and their pictures are links to the Amazon pages. The eighteen-book picture is a link to my Amazon Author Page.

I’ll be back again next Wednesday. Please join me then. Better still, sign up to receive these weekly posts by email.

Best regards,

     Recalled to Life (11-13 - whole cover)

Eighteen Novel 4x6 Postcard

Links you might be interested in:

About Roger E. Bruner

Seventy-seven-year-old Roger E. Bruner is the author and publisher of twenty-two Christian novels and the writer of more than two hundred Christian songs and choruses, a handful of musical dramas, and a number of shorter works. He sings, plays guitar and bass, and records many of his original songs in his home studio. He is active in his church's nursing home ministry He also plays bass guitar on the church praise team. Married for twenty years to Kathleen, he has one grown daughter. Kathleen has two. young sons. Roger enjoys reading, walking, photography and book cover design (he's done all of his own except for Rosa No-Name), playing Snood and Solitaire, and complaining about the state of the nation while continuing to pray for it.
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